Architecture Wallpapers & Backgrounds - is a great arrangement of the best and most Architecture Wallpapers right on your iPhone. It is most perfect for all people those who love architecture and its beauty.
Discover the ultimate collection of best picked high quality and most beautiful architecture Wallpapers for your device and decorate it nicely.
WALLPAPER FACTORY has just been released with over 1 million images! To get the FULL VERSION OF ARCHITECTURE WALLPAPERS & BACKGROUNDS with more than 100 different categories – download WALLPAPER FACTORY now.
*** Great collection of high quality architectural images.
*** No more slow loading problem. Super fast- loading
*** All the images are self-contained and always available for viewing
*** Save the images to your library and set them as your own wallpaper
*** Zoom to have a closer look
*** Choose your favorites and save it
*** Swipe through the collection of images for easy exploring.
*** Add to contact is featured.
*** It is 100% FREE!!!!!
Category: Entertainment
Version: 1.0
23.5 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
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