ContactsAt IPA Version


Ever wonder where your phone contacts are at? Then this app is for you!

Contacts@ provides a very simple, secure and useful way to find where you phone contacts are located, how far they are away, their previous locations, and when they were there.

Who can view your location?
-The person must be in your contact list.
-You also must be in their contact list.
-You both need this app
-It's that simple


- When the app is started your current location is saved and shared with other app users that are in your contact list

-Information is obtained from your existing contact list, so you don't have any additional users to manage, which makes this app very simple and easy to use.

-List of contacts is sorted by date. Most recent contact's location is displayed first.

-View previous locations for each of your contacts, not just the most recent.

-The only people that can view YOUR location are people that are in YOUR contact list.

-Distance away from you is displayed for each contact.

-Date, time and how long ago the user was at a location is displayed.

-Latitude/longitude is displayed for each location.

-Ability to change the accuracy of your built in GPS/Location technology.

-Map with your contacts selected location is displayed.

-Time displayed for your contact's location is converted to your appropriate time zone.

Some Ideas For Using this app:

-Next time your waiting for visitors and want to know how far away they are.

-Emergency officials use this app to know where your fellow partners are at easily and quickly?

-Going out for a date or meeting friends for dinner, use this app to know how far your date is away?

-You can use this app to monitor your own locations and prove to somebody you were at a certain place at a certain time.

-Use this app to keep track of where your employees that travel are located.

-Use this to keep track of where your kids are.

-Use this app when traveling to see how far you traveled througout the day.

-Anything else you can think of! Enjoy!
What's new in Version
Changed app title and minor tweaks to gui

Category: Productivity
0.1 MB


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later

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