DreamBook PRO is the most popular application with dream interpretations of all currently placed in the AppStore.
Large dream base (over 14.000);
Possibility of search in any of 6 most popular dream books – these are Freud’s, Miller’s, Nostradamus’, prophetess Vanga’s, madam Hasse’s et al. works;
Handy navigation;
Intuitive and nice interface.
Don't stay aside - just buy it and see, what does your dream mean!
There are two versions of this app currently available.
These are Dreambook and Dreambook PRO.
The advantages of Dreambook PRO
✓ This version includes the app both for iPhone and for iPad;
✓ The function of dream base update through the Internet is added;
✓ Calendar became even handier – you can easily view your previous dreams history;
✓ There appeared possibility to place your dream interpretations on Tweeter and Facebook;
✓ Navigation and application structure are optimized that made Dreambook PRO even handier;
✓Due to the graphic design update the program became even more beautiful.
Great number of medics, psychologists and metaphysics study dreams and
try to get hold of their secrets, to learn to forecast the future and
override medicative power of dreams. Though, scientists have little
advanced in their investigations, dreams are still being perhaps the
most little-studied feature of living organisms.
On the one hand, dream is absolutely real. It is possible to trace the
beginning and end of the dream, study human behavior in sleep, body
reactions and
psychological apperception of dream.
On the other hand, dream is absolutely subjective and fabulous. Not a
single scientist can answer whence dreams come, what do they mean, why
can dreams be prophetic, what is the nature of dream.
For centuries people trying to find out the meaning of a dream, first
of all tried to dip into their future wishing to understand what the
fate prepares for them. The dream expounded correctly could become the
right warning, promise of joy and wellbeing, or on the contrary,
illness or even death portent, presage of family happiness or
forthcoming marriage. There were and are lots of different variations
of prediction and all of them are gathered into dream books.
In whole, dream book helps practically to interpret each of individual
symbols of dream, gives a key to dream in tote. It also helps to use
night presentiments and revelations in your day life, to gain an
insight into the future even of the following generations, and all
this can do your dreams, your prophetic capabilities and truths
discovered during evaluation of dream books authors’ work.
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad.
Category: Lifestyle
Version: 1.2
13.2 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later
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