iDiary - a diary with calendar, encryption, photo and voice journals IPA Version1.6.1.1

iDiary - a diary with calendar, encryption, photo & voice journals

iDiary uses the easy-to-use calendar interface to help you manage journals, photos and voice memos securely with encryption. Other features include full text search, backup/restore, color/time tags, encryption, customizable font and background image, and more!

✔ Keep your everyday ideas, plans, events, trips, encounters, and more; you can even keep multiple entries in a single day

✔ Protect your privacy with password authentication and data encryption with Blowfish and MD5 algorithms

✔ The calendar interface enables you to easily navigate through, organize, preview, and edit your diaries

✔ Backup/restore option through any web browser on your PC/Mac

✔ Search key words and locate your journals conveniently

✔ Photo entries with zoom, move, export, and rotate on orientation change features

✔ Record and playback voice memos

✔ Export single or multiple diaries from a range of dates via mail

✔ Support landscape editing mode

✔ Tag journals with time stamps and change them later

✔ Mark dates with different colors

✔ Choose your favorite fonts, color, and text sizes

✔ Customize background image of journal editor with your favorite pictures

✔ Post journals as Twitter or Facebook status

When you run the iDiary for the first time on your iPhone or iPod Touch, you will be prompted to set up a password. Please keep the password safe because you will need it when logging into the application later.

On the Monthly Calendar view, a green dot above a date indicates that you have saved a journal for that day. Click on the date, a preview of your diary will appear on the bottom of the screen. Double tap the date to mark it with colors. Press the ‘+’ button to add a new entry and enter the Editing view. You can also easily navigate to the previous and next months, go to a specific date, or return to ‘today’. Use the search view to browse all your journals in a list. You can also enable or disable the auto correction, log-in screen, sort order, and other settings. Journals will be automatically saved if the auto-save option is on. The exported journals are sorted by creation or date order. Photo will be attached when exporting in the journal editor. Click URL links in iDiary:// format in emails and other apps will import the text into iDiary.

If the encrypted journal was altered without authorization, or the database is damaged, iDiary will display the following message: “Corrupted data!”.

Use any web browser to backup/restore iDiary's data on/from your PC/Mac through HTTP protocol (requires Wi-fi network connection). Backup database can be transferred to other iPhone devices, and entries are encrypted.

Please write a review. We would like to hear your thoughts and feedback! Please email us bug reports and suggestions too.

What's new in Version
- Fixed a bug in the Twitter post feature which might crash the app
- Fixed a bug in the voice memo playback feature that used to start over from beginning after clicking the pause button and then play button

Category: Business
1.0 MB


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

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